This is a debate between me & and another gentleman that was going on on a consevative political blog. We were also discussing politics in our posts, but this off-topic thing about blog promo was getting bigger & bigger in our posts. After writing the post below over there--and almost posting it--I decided to post it here instead, and just leave a quick explanatory post & a link over to here, on that site. Below that, I also excerpted the previous portions of the debate out of our previous comments. Hopefully, FN will come visit & continue discussing this, since we both seem interested...
Any reference to where we are ("here," "this site" ...) refers to the site where we were having this discussion.
If you're interested, previous debate on subject was here.
FN: "You can promote your blog anyway that you want. I never said that it was bad that you try to get people to go to your blog… that would be stupid. Everyone should try to promote their own blog. How go about it and who you target doesn’t really matter to me."
I know this "blog promotion" thing is a silly argument. I know I should just let you have the last word & be done with it. I know it... ...but I'm a glutton for punishment.
Here's the thing: You brought it up.
All I did was post a link back to my blog, where I had written a whole post on this subject. I thought it was better to post the link than cutting & pasting the whole thing from there over to here. In point of fact, if I had written a big long diatribe about this subject in your comment section, I would've posted a link to YOUR blog.
Folks do it all the time. I didn't think it remarkable in any way. To my mind, it's the polite thing to do.
That would've been the end of it, but you chose to remark on it, saying that I was trying very hard to promote my blog. (I wasn't--not that I don't want traffic--but I wasn't, regardless of what you believe. I was no more promoting my blog by doing what I did than promoting yours when I link to it, as I did last evening on my blog.)
You say that it was just an observation, nothing more. My reply--noting that you don't make the same observation when fellow conservatives post links, and yet, you've made this same observation about me on two occasions, months apart--is no more or less an innocent observation than yours. (For the record, I think both of our "observations" have not-so-subtle-hidden-meanings in them, and call suspect your assertion that yours is a purely innocent thing you just so happened to notice & mention in passing.)
I don't really know your purpose in making the comment or continuing to defend your doing so. I agree that you probably don't believe blog promo is bad... I do think there's something not "fair & balanced" about your making this comment about my back links and not other people's, though... I also think that in saying someone is posting a link to promote their blog, you're cheapening their post, a little. Finally, I think it's a little impolite, regardless of whether the observation is true or not. (It's like making an observation about the frequency with which one uses the restroom. It's one thing to reply if someone asks; it's another to blurt it out in a crowed room, "just because".)
As for "how I go about it & who I target not really mattering to you":
1) it still assumes I am in fact, promoting my blog, rather than giving those interested more info on my position via something else I wrote on the subject, and
2) it doesn't jibe with what you said in an earlier post, where it seems to me you're saying it was "who I was targeting" that was the whole reason for the comment in the first place.
"It is a normal every day experience for likeminded bloggers to try to drive traffic of likeminded individuals to their blog. You are unusual in that you are trying to drive traffic from people that are hostile to your views to your blog."
Now, I'm thinkin' this is getting far off topic, here... I would've e-mailed this reply to you, but I don't have that info. I would've posted it on my blog & just left a link, here, but that'd just be more proof of my blog whoring. I'd of posted it to yours, but... well... I'm guessing you know why I might be reluctant to bother.
ABOVE is what I almost posted on the other site, but didn't. (There was probably going to be something more in closing, but once I realized/wrote about how off-topic it was, I couldn't continue.)
BELOW is all of the relevant posting up to this point--in order, first to last:
More from me on the subject here
repsac3 | Homepage | 07.28.07 - 6:50 pm #
You try very hard to promote your blog dont you?
There's nothing wrong with that, I'm just pointing that out. Controversy can be big. This is just an observation, nothing more.
Freedom Now | Homepage | 07.29.07 - 4:53 pm #
"You try very hard to promote your blog dont you?"
Not really... I Just don't see the point of cutting & pasting (or worse, rewriting) my thoughts when I can just provide a link to them. You & I have both seen more rightward thinking people do the same on other blogs where we both post... ...and yet you only refer to it as "blog promotion" when I do it... I wonder why...
FN: "http:// freedomnowonline.blogspot...ates.html#links"
Blog whore 8>)
repsac3 | Homepage | 07.29.07 - 5:59 pm #
I merely observed that you try to drive traffic to your blog. You have done the same on Mike’s America. There’s no harm in that. It was solely an observation. That’s all.
Freedom Now | Homepage | 07.30.07 - 12:57 am #
And I am simply making the observation that I have never seen you make that same observation when someone on the right links back to their own blog in posts, though you've had plenty of opportunities to do so.
repsac3 | Homepage | 07.30.07 - 10:57 am #
Repsac you think that you are on to something by saying, “I am simply making the observation that I have never seen you make that same observation when someone on the right links back to their own blog in posts, though you’ve had plenty of opportunities to do so.”
It is a normal every day experience for likeminded bloggers to try to drive traffic of likeminded individuals to their blog. You are unusual in that you are trying to drive traffic from people that are hostile to your views to your blog. That is worthy of note. And that is all it is, an observation. Yet you act like I have wronged you somehow.
Freedom Now | Homepage | 07.31.07 - 10:20 am #
As far as the "driving traffic" linking thing, I'm fine... You made an observation about what I was doing, and I made an observation about your observation. Unless you want to continue discussing it for any reason, I'm willing to leave it as is and let you, me, & all reading us think as we will about it.
repsac3 | Homepage | 07.31.07 - 12:25 pm #
You can promote your blog anyway that you want. I never said that it was bad that you try to get people to go to your blog… that would be stupid. Everyone should try to promote their own blog. How go about it and who you target doesn’t really matter to me.
Freedom Now | Homepage | 08.01.07 - 6:03 am #
"You can promote your blog anyway that you want. I never said that it was bad that you try to get people to go to your blog… that would be stupid. Everyone should try to promote their own blog. How go about it and who you target doesn’t really matter to me."
This "blog promotion" bit is getting wicked off topic--and I almost took it further, before realizing I'd only be making it worse.
So, at the risk of being called a blog pimp, I took it over to my blog (My other, non-political blog--'cause it'd be off-topic on mine, too): What'd I Say?: Blog Pimpin' - My debate with Freedom Now. Much as I kinda want to, I won't continue to discuss that subject here. Those interested are welcome to come on over & read the response I had all written in this very comment box--& was yea close to "publishing."
Hopefully, FN will show up too, or this'll all be in vain.
...&, like it or don't, I'll likely be back to tackle the rest of FN's post, soon.
repsac3 | Homepage | 08.01.07 - 10:30 am #
The recent podcast chat between Gavin Newsom and Charlie Kirk was worse
than you knew, reports Natasha Lennard of The Intercept (free to read here).
I'm su...
14 hours ago
Hmmm. We haven't met, but I stumbled across your blog, and realize that you're in the midst of attacking one of my friendly bloggers.
This undermines Liberal ideology. I thought you sort were supposed to have open minds and prefer multicultural method?
If people think differently than you do, is it your ilk to outwardly attack and slander them?
"you're in the midst of attacking one of my friendly bloggers."
Attacking? How?
If you read the thing (which I'm hoping you have, and that you're not going by the title alone...), I'm challenging him to defend statements he made about me. All throughout, I'd say I'm pretty respectful of him, actually...
"This undermines Liberal ideology. I thought you sort were supposed to have open minds and prefer multicultural method?"
Ummm... I'm not sure what you're even talking about...
Liberal ideology doesn't really say much about disagreeing with someone who says you're posting a link back to your blog from another one just to promote it, rather than doing so to provide more information and further expposition on the points you were making.
I do have an open mind on the subject, I guess... I'm willing to listen to & consider his thoughts on the topic... ...assuming he's willing to continue the dialog, since I transferred it over from the other blog. (It was a political blog, and this was getting very off topic.)
I don't think there even is a multicultural tinge to the story... He's Puerto Rican & I'm a european mutt, but it really hasn't come up anywhere in this topic...
"If people think differently than you do, is it your ilk to outwardly attack and slander them?"
No. I really try not to, actually...
Is there something in my post that makes you ask that question? I'd be willing to discuss it, if you think I was outwardly attacking or slanderous, and can show me where...
While he & I have fallen on difficult times of late, I kinda like FN, generally... He has a good heart, I think...
Thanks for visiting...
Wow, you're really big into this whole "living" thing aren't you? Not to say there's anything wrong with that. Just saying that you seem to be doing an awful lot of it lately. How noteworthy.
I can't undermine your argument,
so I'll undermine your motives.
I deny everything.
P.S. Liberals are nice guys, which means they're not allowed to return fire. Didn't you know that, stupid lib?
Sure... Like livin' is going to protect you from the terrorists... What are you, some kinda commie?
"I can't undermine your argument,
so I'll undermine your motives.
I deny everything."
That pretty much sums it up, actually... 8>)
Makes my brain hurt real bad, sometimes...
...and then it all goes black...
"Liberals are nice guys, which means they're not allowed to return fire. Didn't you know that, stupid lib?"
My cat musta had her kittens on that memo.
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