Thursday, January 06, 2011

In Reply: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof..."

In reply to: Steve King (R-Iowa) Submits Bill To Stop Anchor Babies | Right Wing News (also posted here: Steve King (R-Iowa) Submits Bill To Stop Anchor Babies - Pirate's Cove, and here: Steve King (R-Iowa) Submits Bill To Stop Anchor Babies : Stop The ACLU)

If illegal immigrants are not subject to the laws of the US, they cannot be tried for any US crime or statute. It even calls into question whether the US government has the right to deport them, seeing as how we would be doing so subject to their breaking US law (which of course, they would not be subject to the jurisdiction of, anymore...) Saying they are not subject to US law essentially gives every illegal "diplomatic immunity." Think it through...

As for the intent of the 14th amendment... I'm pretty sure the actual words of the amendment (or for that matter, any law) are legally binding, even if the amendment/law has unintended consequences. I'm not saying intent doesn't matter, but "what they meant" does not supercede "what they wrote" in any court or case of which I am aware...

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