Saturday, February 13, 2010

Roundup and Commentary - 2/12/10

To believe is very dull. To doubt is intensely engrossing. To be on the alert is to live, to be lulled into security is to die. - Oscar Wilde - found in The Portable Curmudgeon - compiled by Jon Winokur

Blog Post:

Wingnuts & Moonbats: Conversation with Andrew Breitbart about the ACORN tapes


"And then there was Richard Carmona (Dubya's Surgeon General)..." -
- First Lady: Childhood Obesity Threatens National Security | Homeland Security (2nd comment) and Immoderate Monk: Obesity is a Threat to National Security, say folks Left AND RIGHT

"I'm sorry, Malcontent, but I'm calling Bullshit. The First Lady did not say that obesity is our biggest threat. She did not say that obesity is a bigger threat than terrorism." -
- the malcontent: Michelle Obama thinks obesity is our biggest threat - FEBRUARY 12, 2010 7:09 AM comment

"Therein lies the difference between you wingnuts and we moonbats. We (or at least *I*) believe that we citizens make up the big bad government, and that when we enact laws protecting people's health and safety, we are acting in our own best interest. We, as citizens, are thinking for ourselves and using our power to protect those things we hold most dear..." -
- the malcontent: Michelle Obama thinks obesity is our biggest threat - FEBRUARY 12, 2010 7:53 AM comment

"Anything on the subject of the comment(s), like a citation substantiating the claims made in the post?" -
- the malcontent: Michelle Obama thinks obesity is our biggest threat - FEBRUARY 12, 2010 7:56 AM comment

"I wish you the best, OS. I always appreciated your perspective and your willingness to respectfully discuss it, even with moonbats like me… I’m sure we’ll all come on back, should you ever have somethin’ you need to rant about or discuss. (I’ll be keeping you blogrolled, just in case…) Happy shooting, sir…" -
- Old Soldier: Old Soldier Retiring - February 12, 2010, 10:14 pm comment (I really do wish I spent more time there... Old Soldier ran a one of a kind blog, and earned the loyalty and admiration of folks left and right.)

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