Wednesday, November 30, 2011

In Reply: "'d be great if we could all wish everyone we see a "Merry" or "Happy" whatever..."

Revised and extended, in reply to the following comment at In reply to Rhode Island Outraged Over “Holiday Tree” | FOX News And Commentary: Todd Starnes:
Rodney Duncan · Dallas Baptist University
@ W James Casper: "I am in a predominately Muslim country with large number of Buddhists/Taoists and Hindus. When it is Christmas - all of my many friends from these various groups say "Merry Christmas " to me (they probably have not heard of political correctness). When it is is Deepavali - I say Happy Deepavali to my Hindu friends. When it is Chinese New Year - I say "Happy Chinese New Year" to my Chinese friends. When it is the end of fasting month I say "Selamat Hari Raya Puasa" to my Muslim friends. That is being inclusive and no ones seems ot be offended. Secular American need to get over it and get the chip off their shoulders and realize it is ok to rejoice with others in the celebration of their special days - even if you are not observant of their religion. That is real tolerance."
@Rodney Duncan: But if I may, that isn't the issue, and it isn't strictly a "secular American" problem. Here, the issue is several holidays all right around the same time, and an inability to look at a person and know which one(s) s/he chooses to celebrate... ...and essentially having everyone assume you're a Christian because that is what most folks are, rather than Jewish, or Hindu, or Muslim, or none of the above...

I'm all for the kind of inclusiveness you talk about--and I hope that folks wish you a Happy Deepavali and the rest when those holidays come around, too--but this would be more like saying "Selamat Hari Raya Puasa" to you INSTEAD of Merry Christmas, because you're in a majority Muslim country...

The situation among your friends sounds good... Knowing the backgrounds, ethnicities, and faiths of your friends, you all offer each other the appropriate holiday greeting at the correct time... But the question is, what would you do if Deepavali fell on Tuesday, Ramadan ended yesterday, Christmas was on Thursday, and you didn't know who celebrated which, given the number of folks who may've converted from the faith most associated with their ethnicity? Would you treat everyone as a Muslim, because that is the dominant faith where you are, wish everyone a Merry Christmas, because that is your faith, or would you employ some variant of "Happy Holidays!!," so as not to offer anyone the wrong holiday greeting and perhaps offend them?

I think it'd be great if we could all wish everyone we see a "Merry" or "Happy" whatever, even if they're not actually of that particular faith, and have it be taken and accepted in the joyous spirit in which it is intended, rather than as some kinda slight... (I personally try to have a very happy Hannukah whenever possible, though there isn't a Jewish bone in my body.) But assuming that everyone is a Christian because most folks here are--or because YOU are--just isn't the way to go...

Posted 11/30/11, 6:00 PM (or so)

More: memeorandum

In Reply: "we Americans are not all Christians, and we don't all celebrate Christmas"

In reply to the following comment at Rhode Island Outraged Over “Holiday Tree” | FOX News And Commentary: Todd Starnes:
Steve Stevenson: "I don't see any one trying to rename and change hannakah or the other days of celebration, just Christmas, making it a day to sell goods, not what it is about. But Christians are the ones being attacked here, as everywhere, which kinda makes me believe more that it is true, I respect all other beliefs, it is a free country, but Christians are being attacked not only at Christmas but everyday, put a cross in your yard and someone complains but put any other religious symbol up and no one cares. I salute the lady Rep for standing up to this, it is an important fight as anything else as it does effect freedom."
@Steve Stevenson: I think what's happening is that the unfair advantage that Christmas once had here in America each December is being righted... When store employees blindly wished everyone a Merry Christmas, it was no more or less of a slight to some non-Christians than "Happy Holidays!" (or "Happy Hanakkah!!," or any other festive but non-Christian greeting) is to some Christian shoppers today.

The fact is, we're not all Christians, and we Americans don't all celebrate Christmas... It's not exclusively the Christmas season, and they're not all Christmas sales, Christmas shoppers, Christmas concerts, Christmas pageants, Christmas decorations... While I'm sure it was nice back in the days when the mob ruled, and non-Christians were supposed to just grin and accept it when their whole town and country celebrated Christmas all around them, those days are over now... Now we protect the rights of the minority, too...

I'm sure stores would LOVE to wish every person celebrating a particular holiday the greeting most appropriate to them--and I bet that in almost every case where the clerk is sure of the holiday a particular customer celebrates, they do (and I'm fully down with those "It's OK to wish me a Merry Christmas" buttons some folks wear, so that clerks and cashiers do know)--but one's religion is not tattooed on the forehead... Wishing everyone happy holidays covers all faiths, and New Years, taboot... (And it's better'n wishing everyone Merry Christmas on Mondays, Happy Hanukkah on Tuesdays, Sweet Festivus on Wednesdays, ...)

The tree thing is a little more silly... Though it's origins are pagan, a decorated evergreen is known as a Christmas tree, these days... but there is nothing wrong with making the yearly lighting ceremonies more inclusive by also including non-Christian decorations, and billing it as a holiday lighting festival... a Festival of Lights, as it were...

Or, if a locality can afford it, have a Christmas Tree Lighting... And then have a Menorah Lighting Celebration, and / or a Kwanzaa Festival, and / or a HumanLight gathering, so it at least looks like the town or city is trying to meet the needs of all of it's residents, as opposed to only addressing the needs of the majority faith and culture. (Another great thing about America is that we defend the minority against strict majority rule... Even if there's only one non-Christian, he has as much right to have his faith recognized and celebrated by the local government as the Christian majority, and every right to complain if he believes he is being treated unfairly before the law.)

As for the rest, it's kind of in the eye of the beholder, I suspect... While I don't know where one would go to find proof either way--I'm offering no more or less evidence than you are--I suspect that there are proportionately no more complaints about Christian iconography than there are about non-Christian (sacred or secular) iconography, and that a whole lot of the complaints are based on height, zoning restrictions, community covenants, or other non-religious issues, besides.

Posted 11/30/11, 4:14 PM

More: memeorandum

In Reply: Instead Of Fighting About The Winter Holidays, CELEBRATE Them...

In reply to Rhode Island Outraged Over “Holiday Tree” | FOX News And Commentary: Todd Starnes

After reading all the other comments (and making one, myself) all I can say is I wish you all a Merry Christmas AND a Happy Hanukkah, AND a beautiful solstice, and that's to say nothing of Kwanzaa, Festivus, HumanLight, and all the other December to remember holidays and celebrations open to you, one way or another... Whatever sacred and/or secular traditions you personally follow, I hope you take a moment to enjoy each of these holidays and give a thought to the people that do celebrate the ones you don't... They deserve a happy holiday just as much as you do, and it'd be a far better world if we could share our traditions with the folks not like us, rather than playing silly one-upsmanship games... The fact that we are a pluralistic multi-ethnic, multi- religious society is one of America's great strengths... But only if we're willing to teach and to learn and to relish our similarities and allow for our differences... (For the record, I'm pretty sure ol Link was just trying to be inclusive, not diss the tree or Christianity... It IS a Christmas tree, but it's also just one part of a pretty religiously and secularly crowded holiday season, and I think it's a pretty good idea for everyone to recognize that...)

More: memeorandum

Posted 11/30/11, 1:02 AM

In Reply: Whose Tree Is It, Anyway...

In reply to Rhode Island Outraged Over “Holiday Tree” | FOX News And Commentary: Todd Starnes

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the whole decorating of evergreens was a Yule tradition, not a Christian one... ...and it's mighty funny to watch these christian traditionalists argue in favor of such a pagan tradition... (On the other hand, most folks of all faiths do recognize that even though it was once a pagan tradition, a decked out evergreen IS generally known as a Christmas tree, these days... Rather than changing the name of the tree, places prolly ought to have holiday lighting ceremonies, where they light the tree, and a menorah, and a crèche, and whatever other sacred and secular decorations the locality intends to display on behalf--and for the enjoyment of--the residents. This whole "war on Christmas" thing is a silly distraction meant to divide us... And sadly, it seems to work every time...)

More: memeorandum

Posted 11/30/11, 12:04 AM

Monday, November 28, 2011

X-Post: The Dishonesty of Donald Douglas, Part 99

A quick review...

After two weeks of being ignored by me and everyone else here at American Nihilist, Donald Douglas lashes out at me by name--on Thanksgiving Day, no less, suggesting that if he were to mention the name of the retailer where his also nameless wife works, her life would be threatened by me.

Basis? Zero. No one here has ever threatened to harm Donald Douglas, any member of his family, or anyone he has ever met. Rather than just enjoying the day with his family, Donald felt the need to launch an unprovoked attack on me on Thanksgiving. God only knows why...

Late that night, I respond, making note of the fact that: Even on Thanksgiving, our poor pathetic little friend Dr. Donald Douglas cannot resist lashing out...

Predictably I suppose, Donald's response to being called out for his Thanksgiving attack post was, well, a little over the top--not to mention gravely dishonest--from the suggestion that I attacked him, to his suggestion that anyone here threatened to or has any interest in or desire to "rape his wife!"

(As near as I can figure it, someone in the comments made a Beavis and Butthead joke, and poor Donald failed to understand the cultural reference... Whatever his motives, Donald is lying... No one made any lewd or sexually-charged attacks on his wife--indeed, we mostly feel sorry for her, given the man to whom she's married. Given his penchant for hyperbole, I've no doubt that every mis-squeeze of the toothpaste tube is an attack on the very foundation of marriage and the traditional family, itself... or something.)

While his friend Zilla picked up and regurgitated his story, initially posting the following...
Update: Last month Zilla of the Resistance: Stand Against Evil - Never Let it Win I posted in support of my friend Donald Douglas who runs the American Power blog, who has, for years, been under relentless attack by hateful leftists who have even gone so far as to try to get him fired from his job - simply because they disagree with his political opinions. Donald has a new post up today that is horrifying and stomach churning: now American Power: Deranged Stalker Walter James Casper III Fires Up the Criminal Hate-Blogging for the Holidays the sick freaks are talking about wanting to rape Donald's wife. There is no level of depravity too low for the cretinous enemies of free speech to sink to in its unyielding mission to intimidate those whose opinions they disagree with into silence. Absolutely disgusting.
...truth (in the form of a comment made by me at her blog) bade her to check the facts, and update her post accordingly, which she did:
Update: Last month I posted in support of my friend Donald Douglas who runs the American Power blog, who has, for years, been under relentless attack by hateful leftists who have even gone so far as to try to get him fired from his job - simply because they disagree with his political opinions. Donald has a new post up today describing the fact that the blog dedicated in its entirety to attacking him, could not even leave him alone on Thanksgiving Day. The comments section there includes some snide remarks about his marriage. How very sad that some people apparently have nothing better to do, on a day dedicated to reflecting on all of the things for which one should be thankful, than to pick at a man over every single thing he ever writes on his blog, and then bitch about it when that man discusses the relentless attacks. But then again, Thanksgiving is an American holiday, and gratitude is something expressed by people who actually have functioning souls, so I suppose this should not be surprising. (Yes, this update did previously say something else, but after being asked to do further investigation, I did and have amended this post, as promised.)
While she still gets some of the facts wrong--claiming it was we "nihilists" who couldn't leave Donald alone on Thanksgiving, rather than the other way 'round--I give Zilla credit for at least trying to tell the truth. This alone shows her to be a far better class of person than Donald could ever be, were he to even try, anymore...
"How very sad that some people apparently have nothing better to do, on a day dedicated to reflecting on all of the things for which one should be thankful, than to pick at a man over every single thing he ever writes on his blog, and then bitch about it when that man discusses the relentless attacks."
We agree, Zilla... We agree... (Surely Zilla was referring to Donald, since he was the guy attacking others on Thanksgiving day, Right? Of course, she was... ...and like I said, we're with her.)

The fact that Zilla updated her post to reflect the truth of the matter (more-or-less, anyway) had zero effect on Dr. Douglas, of course...

First, in another diatribe worthy of a drama queen short fiction award, Donald reposted Zilla's initial blurb on his blog, in spite of the fact that she had updated it to more closely resemble the truth hours earlier. As of this writing, it remains, unchanged... ...just as though Zilla had never called his veracity into question by updating it...

This post also repeats the discredited claim of sexualized references to his wife, including the emboldened admonition that "They would rape her given the chance." Donald is nothing if not consistent, no matter the facts. (He also seems to believe that if he doesn't link to me, he isn't attacking me, even if he alleges that I would rape (or later, kill) his wife in his blog post(s). That's some kinda odd definition of an attack, right there...) You'll have to follow the link for the rest of his largely paranoid-sounding rant... Given it's lack of substance--or for that matter, any tether to reality--it's not even worth discussing.

Of course, that bit of dishonesty wasn't enough... Donald had to try again to persuade Zilla and her readers that his bullshit was worthy of their consideration:
Zilla: Repsac3 is lying. His blog is a stalking hate site, not a place for commentary. He claims to have started it as a joke but it quickly became a focal point of attacks on my life (nothing compares to this, I can assure you). Repsac3 has a deranged obsession that is manifestly not healthy. His behavior is essentially criminal, but the police action required to get him to stop his harassment and threats is costly to mobilize. If you engage him know in advance that most what he says is not true and totally self-serving. He is a manifest pathological liar. Well wishes he might send are fake and designed only to inoculate himself from criticism. Repsac is also racist. He's stated previously that he first identifies people by race or ethnic background then treats them (segregates them) accordingly. I ---- we ---- treat people as individuals with dignity. Repsac has a history of stalking people. He harassed my friend Skye from Midnight Blue, following her around even to her YouTube pages. She warned me about him years ago as a pervert. He is not to be trusted and by allowing him to comment here I warn you that he'll pollute your community like a despicable troll and your community will be harmed. He's toxic that way. If he were decent he'd retire his attack blog and stop with his dementia and obsessions. People like this actually need help. I'd not feed his psychosis for fear of the bad karma and actual violence he's wont to foment. Walter James Casper III is a cancer.
As usual, however, Donald makes these allegations without a shred of evidence... Tall tales are all he has...

A few points:

* Donald accuses me of some undefined criminal acts, but asserts it would be too costly for the police to respond to them. Does that sound plausible to anyone?!? Donald has at various times accused me of stalking, harassment, and most recently, conspiracy to commit rape and/or murder... but he won't call the police about any of it because it would cost too much to have them respond?!? Sorry, Donald, but that's taking the desire to keep taxes low to a pretty fucking absurd level... (That, or perhaps the man is just lying... We report, you decide.)

* As near as I can figure it, Donald's racism charge, first launched after I called him out for bigoted posts like these, amounts to the following:

1) I didn't believe a comment made about Donald Douglas' celtic-sounding name and "swarthy" complexion was racist...

2) I called a black man a clown because I disagreed with something he said...


3) I said that it is not racist to mention--or even talk about--race... ...and as an example, said that it would not be racist for another professor to describe Dr. Douglas as "a grey-haired black man wearing a blue suit with a red tie, who was likely to be dining in the south quad cafeteria at this hour" to a new student or professor who had never met the man. Apparently, taking any notice of skin color or other "racial" feature is evidence that one judges people based on their ethnic or racial background. (And lest there be any confusion, this was a part of Donald's comment in reply: " welcome people who see me first as a black man and not a man." Yeah... Really.)

* Donald also seems to believe that commenting in response to posts is the same as stalking... The fact is, the political blogosphere really isn't all that large... As soon as one ventures away from the major sites, it's often the same small group of screen names, wherever one goes... That I responded to a particular blogger at both her own blog AND at a YouTube video or two isn't really all that unusual... ...unless one is Donald Douglas, I guess... For the rest of us, seeing and speaking to the same group of bloggers, left and right, on multiple sites is a pretty common occurrence... YMMV...

Obviously, Donald is going to continue to make these fact free, unsubstantiated allegations against me.

Just as obviously, there will be fools gullible enough to believe whatever lies he tells... All I can do is to continue to post the facts, hope that those intelligent and honest enough to think for themselves will see them, and pray that the gullible sycophantic fools are few and far between...
(A few folks have suggested that his allegations of criminal behavior meet the legal test for libel... ...and while I've not taken them seriously up to now, the fact that some of his blog buddies are now reposting his lies without bothering to even vet them first, has me wondering whether I ought to reconsider...)

So obviously, this blog isn't going anywhere for a long time to come...

Sadly, this somewhat innocuous comment, once again calling Donald's veracity into question, will be my last at Zilla's blog.

Citing her friendship with Donald and her desire that he not be made "uncomfortable" when coming to her blog (which exposing his lies for all to see would likely do), Zilla banned me from making any further comment there...

C'est la vie... "Birds of a feather...," I suppose...
Still, of all the folks who've limited my ability to discuss things with them, her motives--at least thus far--are the most pure... She's not claiming I've misbehaved, or that Donald hasn't... She's simply saying that as his friend, she wants him to be comfortable at her blog... Refreshingly honest, if ya ask me... (All that remains to be seen is whether she personally continues or condones attacks on me at her blog... If not, she retains my admiration; if so, well, I'd be surprised...and exceedingly disappointed...)

Here is the text of the e-mail I sent her this morning (before seeing that she had restricted my ability to comment, obviously):
I debated whether to post that last comment, but figured it was innocuous enough not to offend much of anyone other than the person lying about my good name... I shan't comment at your blog on the subject again... (though I AM writing a new post for my own blog that includes the comments made on yours by all concerned... You're welcome to stop by and see that I fairly represent the truth of the matter, if you wish--and correct me if I misstate anything, of course--once it is posted... I had intended to drop you a link, but given your latest comments, I won't... but nevertheless, you're always welcome to read, comment, and even vehemently disagree...)

While it is your blog, I humbly request that you not allow Donald to launch attacks on me while asking me not to respond to them, whether it be in the comments section, or by repeating his specious claims--particularly without vetting them first--in your own posts.

I only came to your blog because I was falsely accused there, both initially, and yesterday... Had I never been mentioned, I likely never would've made a comment...

As for the rest, we disagree...

My blog responds to attacks... It seldom initiates them.

In this latest episode, for example, we at American Nihilist were perfectly content to eat our turkey and stuffing in peace and not think of Dr Douglas at all--the same way we hadn't for the previous two weeks--until Donald decided to accuse me of some veiled threat to his wife as a part of his Thanksgiving Day post. All the rest flows from his initial unprovoked and unwarranted attack on my character and my good name... No matter how you chose to characterize it on your blog, I know you read the posts, and I know you know that what I say here is true. And that's good enough for me...

Sure... maybe it is unusual to have a blog devoted to refuting the attacks made on us and on our political and social opinions by Dr Douglas... But given the number of attacks the man has launched, it has become a necessary tool and a permanent record. You needn't agree with either it's existence or it's purpose, and as long as you tell the truth, you're welcome to criticize whatever we say, there... ...though as I said, I'd appreciate the opportunity to respond, should you choose to do so... But we're not going to go away, especially so long as Dr Douglas continues to tell such lies...

That said, I appreciate your position... I wouldn't be a part of this whole business either, if I didn't have to be... Assuming you keep attacks on me off of your blog, I'll never comment on the subject there again... (If your intent was to ban my comments altogether, please let me know... Until I hear otherwise, I'm going to think positive, and assume it wasn't, and that comments regarding other subjects are still welcome...)

Again, I'm sorry the disagreement between Donald and I ever touched down on your blog shore... It'll not happen again, at least by my hand... The rest, Zilla, is up to you...

American Power: Early Thanksgiving Dinner
Even on Thanksgiving, our poor pathetic little friend Dr. Donald Douglas cannot resist lashing out...
American Power: Deranged Stalker Walter James Casper III Fires Up the Criminal Hate-Blogging for the Holidays
Zilla of the Resistance: New Death Threats from Islamic Supremacists and their Islamoblow Enablers Show How Much They CAIR
American Power: 'Tolerant' Progressives Ramp Up Death Threats Against Conservatives
Donald Douglas - 11/27/11, 12:18 AM
The Devil's American Nihilist Henchmen: Donald Douglas - On African Americans
The guy at American Power is Not Entitled to His Own Facts
repsac3 - October 8, 2010 12:22 AM
repsac3 - October 8, 2010 1:56 PM
Donald Douglas - October 8, 2010 2:34 PM
Zilla of the Resistance: Stand Against Evil - Never Let it Win

An American Nihilist x-post

Sunday, November 27, 2011

In reply to: Kimberly Webb Joyner, 1970 to 2011

In reply to Kimberly Webb Joyner, 1970 to 2011

My wife, Kimberly Webb Joyner, died this morning in her sleep from unknown causes.

She was 41.

She leaves behind two little girls she loved more than anything, Katie, who turns 3 on New Year’s Eve, and Ellie, who was born June 21.

I cannot imagine what you and your family are going through...

May God grant you all the peace and strength you'll need in times ahead...

My family will add yours to our prayers...

...and after reading this sad news, I think I'll spend the rest of the day with my bride of 10 years, and try to keep in mind that few regret spending more time with the people they love and less in front of a computer monitor and keyboard...

I barely know James Joyner, and don't believe I ever heard him mention his wife or family... Still, a story like this hits you hard, especially if you're sharing your life with someone you love...

Like I said, I'm done for the day... For me, I hope, there's always tomorrow to blog some more... My advice; Get offline, and hug everyone you love....
Kimberly Webb Joyner, 1970 to 2011
Site Note
Kim Update
Status Update
The Human Side | The Moderate Voice
Sense of Events: What to say to the grieving
Prayers for James Joyner Following the Loss of His Wife | All American Blogger

X-Post: Poor Donald Douglas Finds Himself Unable To Tell The Truth... Again... UPDATED

Contrary to the specious claims in Donald Douglas' most recent dishonest attack post, it wasn't me who fired up anything... In fact it was poor pathetic Dr. Douglas who, in a bid for attention after being ignored by everyone who posts or comments at this blog for the last few weeks, decided to lash out in anger on Thanksgiving Day:

I can understand that Donald feels the need to justify why so few of his readers comment on his blog, but it's pretty pathetic that he feels the need to make me the scapegoat for his own failures, and to be so fucking dishonest...

No one who has anything to do with me has ever threatened poor pathetic Donald Douglas or any member of his family, on or offline. No one has broken any law as regards his person or property. His claims and insinuations to the contrary are lies, the product of a man whose posts and comments often cannot stand up to the slightest bit of scrutiny.

I understand that he gets upset when folks see him for who and what he truly is, but the dishonesty is all too plain to see... His accusations are all devoid of any proof. He says I am responsible for threats, but never quotes or links to a single one. He claims I've committed criminal acts, but never involves the police or legal representation.

The reason is simple.

Donald Douglas lashes out with libelous attacks and dishonest claims of wrongdoing when things don't go his way, but knows he cannot back his lies with anything of substance, so he doesn't even try... He seems to think his readers are too stupid to think for themselves and will believe whatever he tells them, but the fact is, they're not, and they often don't... ...and knowing that scares him, all the more...

Folks can agree with me or don't, but unlike Donald Douglas, I will always show you why I believe the things I do. While Donald refuses to quote, link, or cite much of anything he alleges I've said or done--pretending it has something to do with denying American Nihilist bloghitz, as though anyone here cares about such a thing--I will always quote exactly what Donald said, and link to the place he said it... Unlike Donald, I'm not afraid to show my work and have others decide for themselves whether my claims do or do not have merit.

Donald is angry and insecure... ...but if he thinks lashing out at me with such obviously dishonest bullshit is going to do anything but expose his anger and his insecurity to a wider audience, he really ought to reconsider his foolish behaviors and their effects on his online, professional, and personal reputation...

I can't speak for everyone here, but Donald can call me all the names he thinks he needs to, if that's what makes him feel better about himself... Nevertheless, this blog will continue to quote Donald Douglas' own words, link to where he said them, and allow those who choose to come here to read them--and our reactions to them--for themselves... ...and then make up their own names for Donald (or for the writer(s) here), if that is their wish...

When Donald lashes out--as he did on Thanksgiving Day, after being ignored by everyone at this blog for the previous two weeks--we're all too glad to throw the second punch in reply... and we likely will, as long as Donald keeps spewing his venomous bile and lashing out at those who don't choose to see the world through the hate-filled, black and white lenses he so often employs.

UPDATE: Donald's stock in trade response to being called out? Gratuitous mention(s) in post(s) ostensibly discussing some other topic. Donald Douglas is so pathetically predictable...

While folks like Donald Douglas seem eager to hide what those he disagrees with have to say by moderating his comment sections for content and limiting the number of verbatim quotes, citations, and links he uses when blogging, I want nothing more than to give folks every opportunity to read exactly what Dr. Douglas has to say, in all of it's contextual glory, and thus will quote and link to his exact words as often as I can...

Everyone please, go look at Donald Douglas, and particularly at the post(s) in question. Read everything he has to say. Weigh his arguments--as well as the arguments of those who disagree with him, of course--judge as fairly as your conscience allows you to, and come to your own conclusions.

I ask for nothing more.

And I ask for nothing less.

The attack: American Power: Early Thanksgiving Dinner

The reply: Even on Thanksgiving, our poor pathetic little friend Dr. Donald Douglas cannot resist lashing out...

An American Nihilist x-post

Saturday, November 26, 2011

In Reply: "Pretty Repulsive" Is In The Eye Of The Beholder, I Guess...

In reply to the following comment at the "Zilla of the Resistance" post New Death Threats from Islamic Supremacists and their Islamoblow Enablers Show How Much They CAIR:
Honestly, I find your blog pretty repulsive (no offense intended) since pretty much ALL of it is dedicated to just to attacking another blogger, so I try to avoid going there, but I will look around (I hate that stupid clown picture) and amend the update if necessary. I really wish you guys would find something better to do though, don't you ever get bored of the stupid blogwar?

I am sorry if I am less than cordial, but one of my dear friends HAS had her life threatened, in plain view for all to see (linked up early on in this post), among other horrible stuff that people who claim to be peaceful are doing to shut down those who engage in fact based reporting of various atrocities, and I am at this point more than a little bit cranky.


"Honestly, I find your blog pretty repulsive (no offense intended) since pretty much ALL of it is dedicated to just to attacking another blogger"
Fair enough... (though I would say it's more a question of disagreeing with another blogger rather than attacking him... While I do occasionally respond to ad hom with ad hom of my own, most of my posts quote the man verbatim and then respond to the words and ideas in his posts.)
"I really wish you guys would find something better to do though, don't you ever get bored of the stupid blogwar?"
Yes... I've been known to not post anything there for weeks at a time, only to be attacked yet again, unprovoked... Most of my posts (especially of late) have been in reply to posts where I am name checked and attacked. (The record is available for all to see...)
"I am sorry if I am less than cordial,"
No, you've been perfectly cordial... If I have any complaint at all, it's that you didn't check the facts for yourself prior to posting your dishonest update. I mean, I appreciate that you're doing so now, but the responsible thing would've been to do so before posting the allegations in the first place... (At least you didn't repeat the photoshop that Dr Douglas so often posts... Seems we all have our "clown pictures"...)

Those who post threats or bigotry (or if I may, dishonest posts alleging sins and criminal acts with zero evidence, in an effort to ruin someone's reputation) deserve to have attention drawn to them, and providing quotes, links, and screen caps of the posts in question is the only responsible way to go about doing so...

I have no problem with the truth though, and I have a solid record of speaking out against bad behavior wherever I find it, and no matter what sociopolitical "side" it comes from or hurts.

Posted Saturday, 11/26/2011, 07:40 PM (and disappointingly, removed from view by the moderator on Sunday, mid-day, so as not to make her friend Donald Douglas "uncomfortable," as the truth so often does. The truth is optional sometimes, especially where friendship and / or a shared political point of view is concerned...)

In Reply: Donald Douglas Dishonesty Spreads...

In reply to an added blurb in the post "Zilla of the Resistance: New Death Threats from Islamic Supremacists and their Islamoblow Enablers Show How Much They CAIR," in which the author says:
Update: Last month I posted in support of my friend Donald Douglas, who runs the American Power blog, who has, for years, been under relentless attack by hateful leftists who have even gone so far as to try to get him fired from his job - simply because they disagree with his political opinions. Donald has a new post up today that is horrifying and stomach churning: now the sick freaks are talking about wanting to rape Donald's wife.. There is no level of depravity too low for the cretinous enemies of free speech to sink to in its unyielding mission to intimidate those whose opinions they disagree with into silence. Absolutely disgusting.

My reply:

Contrary to Donald's assertions, no one associated with W James Casper (repsac3) or the American Nihilist blog has ever suggested harming Donald Douglas, anyone in his family, or anyone he knows... While support of your friend Dr Douglas is admirable, buying into and regurgitating his nonsense without any proof of his specious claims from either his site or yours is disappointing, to say the least.

While I know Donald will never do any such thing, I believe Zilla to be more honest. I therefore request that she please quote and/or link to this supposed threat against Mrs. Douglas, or update this post again to reflect the fact that no such threat exists...

It isn't a fact just because someone (anyone) claims it is... Please look at the facts, and decide for yourselves...

Posted Saturday, 11/26/2011, 06:11 PM (and disappointingly, removed from view by the moderator on Sunday, mid-day, so as not to make her friend Donald Douglas "uncomfortable," as the truth so often does. To her credit, however, the woman did stop repeating at least a few of Donald's lies as a result of this comment... ...though others still remain posted there, including a few by this moderator's own hand. The truth is optional sometimes, especially where friendship and / or a shared political point of view is concerned...)

X-Post: Donald Douglas - Reading Comprehension - November 25, 2011 Edition

Because sometimes, the urge to attack the individuals and groups one disagrees with and to portray them as eternally and unfailingly "eeeeevil" overwhelms the ability to pay enough attention to understand what the words and phrases mean, and actually get the story right.

The article says
"'Those in a more modest income situation are the people who are going to the Wal-Marts and the Best Buys and the Targets at 8, 9, 10, 11 p.m. with little kids in tow because they can’t afford a baby sitter,” said Craig Johnson, president of Customer Growth Partners, a retail consultant firm. “It’s a very unpleasant shopping experience, frankly, for a lot of people.'"
Donald Douglas reads the passage above -- quotes it on his blog -- and says:
"Right. Kids are unpleasant. Can't afford a babysitter. Give me a break."
Kids are unpleasant? Words fail the man.


Added: Moar phunneeeer: Check Donald's 5:30 PM post, about his own 2:00 AM Wal-Mart shopping experience. Check the pictures he posted...
Anyone see those little kids in tow, just like the guy in the NYT article said (and that our erstwhile nemesis pshawwed as though it was ridiculous commie nihilist nonsense)? One has to wonder whether Donald bothers to read his own blog, sometimes...
Maybe it was a pleasant experience for all concerned and maybe it wasn't, but those are young kids out at the stores at 2:00 AM on Black Friday morning, rather than home with babysitters... ...which is just what the nice man quoted in the New York Times said...

His ranting is self-refuting...

An American Nihilist x-post

Friday, November 25, 2011

X-Post: Even on Thanksgiving, our poor pathetic little friend Dr. Donald Douglas cannot resist lashing out...

American Power: Early Thanksgiving Dinner
"This wasn't as bountiful a spread as we usually lay out. My wife had to be at work at 2:00pm. She's an assistant store manager at a major national arts and crafts retailer. I'd mention the name, but it's not worth having my wife's life threatened by the likes of Walter James Casper III and his demonic progressive totalitarians."
Is anyone the slightest bit surprised that this is how Donald spends his holidays? Lashing out, unprovoked, at folks he disagrees with politically or socially? Could there be anything more sad?

My reply, in any case:

An American Nihilist x-post

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

X-Post: Celebrating Violence the Donald Douglas Way

American Power: Pepper-Spray Those Occupy Mofos!

What a classy asshole... (Is anyone surprised?)

Hope Don's new hero "wirecutter" realizes that even here in NY, some of us have no problem with self-defense... ...and that Karma can be a real bitch.

An American Nihilist x-post

Sunday, November 06, 2011

A pox on... oh, never mind.

In reply to: Zilla of the Resistance: Moonbat Parents Send Infectious Disease Through The Mail

I doubt "pox parties" is what they was called, but this idea about getting all the kids in the neighborhood sick together was fairly common when I was growing up in the early 70's... Like SignPainter's mom, mine wasn't interested--I don't recall my brother and I ever voicing a vote, though I suspect we both agreed with mom (I know I did)--but she did get the invitations from the parents of one or two of our friends, and the "parties" did take place. This mailing thing involving complete strangers is absolutely crazy, though...

As a lib though, I take exception to the "moonbat" twist on the story (assuming that's what Zilla's referring to, anyway...)... I'm not seeing any political affiliation mentioned in the original stories on this (and if I may be so bold as to say, looking at the states mentioned kinda suggests a different demographic, politically-speaking...) I mean, yeah, there are anti-vaccine nuts here on the left, but I know of at least a few parents whose main objection to vaccinating their kids is the crazy--and yet unshakable--belief that aborted fetuses are somehow used to create the vaccines.
As with most topics, there's nuts like this all across the political spectrum...

(Apologies if *I'm* the only one here adding politics to the story, but I've been called moonbat enough to get a feel for how it's most often used in right wing (nut) parlance... ...and enough to've created a blog with a title based on the twin epithets, in fact...)

Posted 11/06/2011 04:38 AM (and disappointingly, removed from view by the moderator on Sunday, 11/27/11, mid-day, so as not to make her friend Donald Douglas "uncomfortable," as the truth so often does. The truth is optional sometimes, especially where friendship and / or a shared political point of view is concerned...)

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