Thursday, January 21, 2010

Roundup and Commentary - 1/20/10

God bless the whole world. No exceptions. - Bumpersticker

Blog Post:

Democrats: Even if you're afraid you're going down, go down swinging. Don't take a dive. (Posted on Wingnuts & Moonbats)


"Let's hope EVERY dang bill in the next three years (and perhaps beyond) doesn't require 60 votes to pass..." -
- The Oracular Opinion: Congratulations Scott Brown - January 20, 2010 3:06 AM comment

"Golly, what a happy bunch of cons..."
"I don't believe in divided & balanced government, at least where the political parties are concerned."
"[F]or all the wild celebrations on one side, and hand-wringing & gnashing of teeth on the other, the Democratic majority in the Senate went from 60-40 to 59-41."
"Requiring a super-majority was meant to add an extra check on the majority ramming through the most egregious legislation. It was never meant to take the place of the simple majority required to pass all legislation."
- The Oracular Opinion: Congratulations Scott Brown - January 20, 2010 3:57 PM comment

"[A]s far as I'm concerned, the push to move this country a little further leftward isn't much affected by the difference between 60 and 59. I'm disappointed, but I'm not down. Sometimes it's two steps forward and one step back, but the whole of US history has been away from less rights and freedom of opportunity to more rights and freedom of opportunity, and the election of one Republican Senator from Mass is barely even a pebble in the road of of that progress." -
- The Oracular Opinion: Congratulations Scott Brown - January 20, 2010 5:26 PM comment

"One sign of a troll is someone who cuts and pastes identical comments on multiple blogs, and/or posts under various names..." -
- The Oracular Opinion: Congratulations Scott Brown - January 20, 2010 5:50 PM comment

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