Friday, January 29, 2010

Roundup and Commentary - 1/28/10

Here and now, folks.
Or else spend infinite future fighting quarrels of endless past.
- Paul Williams, Das Energi

Blog Post:

Wingnuts and Moonbats: Dept. of It Takes One To Know One -
- Horowitz-affiliated wingnut whines about how some liberals treat the deaths of conservatives, then quickly becomes pretty hateful herself as concerns the passing of Howard Zinn--particularly toward those liberals who are mourning his death.


"It's my understanding that any attempt to tamper with the senator's phone system amounts to the same federal charge as wiretapping, under the same law." -
- The Oracular Opinion: O’Keefe Gate!? - January 28, 2010 10:16 AM comment

"I do think that these young men were trying to follow in the footsteps of Karl Rove, Lee Atwater, Donald Segretti, and others (many from the Nixon years) who flouted the law and engaged in dirty tricks in the name of influencing the political outcome they wanted." -
- The Oracular Opinion: O’Keefe Gate!? - January 28, 2010 5:38 PM comment

"If you don't like what liberals did to Tony Snow and those who mourned him back then, don't be similarly insensitive to Howard Zinn, and those who mourn him now. Hateful is as hateful does." -
- Leftist Heads Explode Over Howard Zinn’s Death | NewsReal Blog

"Now I see... The 'Marx' quote was written by a conservative troll who was also being disrespectful to the dead (Posted by pontificus at 01/27/2010 @ 6:24pm), and the expletive-laden one was in response to his 'hateful' posts (Posted by syfriendly at 01/27/2010 @ 8:05pm). The Nation: Goodbye Howard Zinn" (Follow Nation link to original "liberal" comments, in context) -
- Leftist Heads Explode Over Howard Zinn’s Death | NewsReal Blog

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