Immoderate Monk X-Post
Reply to: American Power: Amanda Marcotte: "The Actual Values of the Country"
Donald said: "...since Pam Spaulding lied about American Power..."
To be taken seriously outside of your own little circle, you're going to have to explain the lie more clearly, Donald. Anyone who reads the original post (or the responses to it, either on my blog or Pam Spaulding's) sees that you were quoted fairly, and in context, saying the following:
"Actually, Pam Spaulding imputes things to the traditionalist side that are virtually unheard of outside of the radical left's fever swamps? Bestiality? I've been blogging about this issue for months, and I can't recall the word ever being used by conservatives, or anything close to it."
I can appreciate that maybe you were thinking only of conservatives making such "bestial" "attacks in the CURRENT DEBATE post-Proposition 8" in your mind, but that isn't what you said when you put your thoughts into words on your blog.
We couldn't read your mind. We could only read what you said, and what you said was "Bestiality? I've been blogging about this issue for months, and I can't recall the word ever being used by conservatives, or anything close to it."
No one lied about you or your blog, Donald.
While there's no proof of it, I'm willing to accept that you may've had something different in your mind than you put into words on your blog, but all anyone (except perhaps any neocon psychics in your readership) can go by is the words actually posted on your blog, and quoted elsewhere. Any/all posts & commentary since is in reaction & reply to those words...
Unless you can show something different, the only lie is the one you're trying to tell in response.
Comment sent: February 25, 2009 11:34 PM (AmPow blog time)
Exit polls tell us that Donald Trump won the male vote by 12 points, while
losing the female vote by 8. A survey of 18-29-year-old voters found that
the ge...
19 hours ago
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