American Nihilist X-Post
"Repsac3 has left a new comment on the American Power post "Reconciliation on Gay Marriage?" (only to have Donald Douglas quickly & quietly delete it from his blog for reasons that I leave for the readers to discern for themselves.)
After quoting Pam Spaulding's discussion of dishonest & disingenuous arguments some on the right offer against gay marriage, Donald says (with a straight face, as far as I can tell): "Bestiality? I've been blogging about this issue for months, and I can't recall the word ever being used by conservatives, or anything close to it."
I replied:
Um, Donald... You need to pay more attention to the things your conservative brethren are saying. There's 2 former Republican presidential candidates among the rightwing folks using that very analogy:
From Homosexual Marriage to Bestiality: "U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) touched off a media firestorm in 2003, when, in an interview with an AP reporter, he suggested that allowing same-sex marriage was a strategic descent down the slippery slope toward acceptance of other perversions, such as incest, pederasty, and bestiality."
Huckabee: Gay Marriage Could Lead To Pedophilia, Bestiality, Polygamy: "Well, I don’t think that’s a radical view to say we’re going to affirm marriage. I think the radical view is to say that we’re going to change the definition of marriage so that it can mean two men, two women, a man and three women, a man and a child, a man and animal. Again, once we change the definition, the door is open to change it again. I think the radical position is to make a change in what’s been historic."
Audio: We'll compare you to anything we want. And if you call us out on it, we'll compare you to "spinners": "Rev. Jerry Falwell Jr. makes the gay/brother-loving/sheep-schtupping connection, and Matt Barber defends it/ denounces anyone who would dare be offended by it:"
California Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage, Polygamy, Polyamory, Man-Boy Love, Bestiality, Necrophilia . . . (The Virtual Abbey)
Kathyrn Jean Lopez: Gay Sex Is Like Bestiality | Oliver Willis: "National Review’s Kathryn Jean Lopez has a Rick Santorum moment and says the reason a bestiality case happened in Massachusetts is because of gay marriage. Conservatism and bigotry, their status as synonyms just hasn’t been officially recognized yet. By the way, Lopez is Mitt Romney’s biggest supporter at National Review, any surprise"
Race for Governor marred by bestiality comparisons: "The contest to become Governor of Colorado has been rocked by comments from a Republican candidate comparing gay marriage to bestiality."
States to Vote on Incest and Bestiality | Up My Own Ass
Not sure where I stand on the larger issue-- a New York Times Op-Ed - A Reconciliation on Gay Marriage , jointly authored by an opponent and a supporter of gay marriage... I suspect that the tide is turning anyway, and this compromise will be unnecessary soon, but there are folks being hurt by marriage bans right now... I'll probably wait until I get more facts & see more reaction to this compromise, for & against, before choosing a side on this...
Originally posted by repsac3 to Donald Douglas' American Power Blog on February 22, 2009 - 6:53 PM (and deleted without comment by him a short time later. Fucking coward.)
Exit polls tell us that Donald Trump won the male vote by 12 points, while
losing the female vote by 8. A survey of 18-29-year-old voters found that
the ge...
20 hours ago
You got him. What else can I say. he's a liar and everyone knows it. Well done.
Well, who knows if I got him... Apparently, he's now claiming that his intention was to say no conservative has made the comparison to bestiality in connection with Prop 8, at any time between the initial suggestion of the proposition and today. (See: American Power: Pam Spaulding: A Black Lesbian Who is Wickedly Dishonest)
It doesn't seem to me as though there was any such constriction anywhere in his statement or post, but I've no doubt there are some people in his ideological circle who'll buy that argument whole hog (& then claim I sold them the pork, too.)
Maybe it is what he meant. But it isn't what he said, and his attempts to cover that up by deleting the comment when I posted it, and spinning the story now, make him look far worse than if he'd just come right out & said "You got me. I screwed up. What I meant to say was..."
I'd feel bad for him, if this wasn't a whirlwind-in-a-water-glass of his own making...
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