Friday, July 02, 2010

In Reply: Retarded Faggots who Throw Like Girls

In reply to the following comment at the post, "INSTAPUTZ: Functionally retarded Donald Douglas semi-refutes one of my 4 rebuttals, declares victory."
why use the word retarded when he clearly isn't. you shouldn't have to be a family member of someone with a disability to get how demeaning your title is. shameful.
I think it's supposed to be demeaning... particularly to the subject of the post. (Though I could see where being compared to Dr. Douglas would likely be insulting to the retarded, as well. Maybe you do have a point...)

Bottom line though, that queen of PC, Sarah Palin, kinda ruined this line of argument for me... No matter how right you may be--and yeah, you may be, in a more perfect world--her self-serving use of it for partisan gain (and in fact, her use and of her Downs Syndrome son as a prop, for that matter) left me suspicious of the motives of anyone who brings it up, these days...

Perhaps using "retarded" as a slur ought to be tossed on the same rhetorical dust heap as "faggot" or "throws like a girl," (along with "nigger" as a term of affection or talking with an urban dialect when you clearly aren't black, yo) but I still can't help thinkin' you're kinda losing the forest for the trees, here...

I suppose I'd feel differently if I were more personally affected by any of these slurs--and I suppose I ought to be able to sympathize, better, and I vow to work on that--but...

No, no but...

You're right. Two demerits to Blue Texan, who wrote the post title, and one to me, for trying to justify/defend it. We should be better people.

(and still...)

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